7. Specific Number Groups (SNG's)

  • This page displays the most recent SNG that has been drawn in the App page with a chart below showing the annual frequency of all 196 SNG's.

  • It doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to work out that the Number Sequences of SNG's in the Top 34 range are drawn way more frequently than those further down the chart, and some have never been drawn at all in the last 21 years since Euromillions began back in February 2004.

Remember - only ONE of these 196 SNG's can contain the jackpot winning line in any draw.

Even though there are 196 SNG's in total and the top 34 appear in more than half of all Euromillions draws, there's also a smaller group which are all in the top 34 but appear more consistently than all the other SNG's and have only failed to appear in one or two years throughout the history of Euromillions.

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